Affiliated by Indira Kala Sangit Vishwavidyalaya, UGC Recognized University, Khairagarh (C.G)
Any discontent or dissatisfaction that a student faces or even imagines, when not addressed properly is treated as grievance. Grievance is an upward communication. It brings out important information about creeping problems that a student/staff may face, to the management in advance. In accordance with UGC Regulations 2012 (The Gazette of India, March 23–29, 2013), a Grievances Redressal Committee has been constituted.
Dr. Lal Bahadur Kumar | Asst. Prof. – Fine Art |
Rajesh Kumar Singh | Examination In-charge |
B-71/2, Block –B, Wazirpur Industrial Area, Delhi-110052 Landmark (opposite Honda Service Center)
+91-8934932597, 7007169682, 7631380903